In most of the Christian faiths, the wedding vows are almost the same. For example, the Protestant vow sounds something like this: "I, [speaker's name], take you, [partner's name] for my lawful [wife/husband], to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and therefore I pledge thee my faith."
In the Unitarian/Universalist Church, the vows very frequently sound like this: “With this ring, I wed you, and pledge you my love, now and forever."
• In other religions, the vows may be slightly different though. For instance, the Hindu vows sounds something like this: "Let us take the fourth step, to acquire knowledge, happiness, and harmony by mutual love and trust. Finally, let us take the seventh step and become true companions and remain lifelong partners by this wedlock."
• In Islam, both the bride and the groom share vows. The bride says: "I, [bride's name], offer you myself in marriage in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Qur"an and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon Him. I pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you an obedient and faithful wife." Once she says this, the groom will follow with his vow: "I pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband."
• Most of the non-religious wedding ceremony vows are actually inspired by the religious ones. However, the bride and groom feel free to add/remove whatever they think is more suitable for their particular love story. Keep in mind that the most important thing about your wedding vow is for it to be honest and genuine – and not necessarily for it to be beautifully “ornate” with words.
If you need help to plan the most beautiful day of your life, do not hesitate calling for the help Wedding Planner 808 can offer. We have packages to suit all needs and types of budget – so call us and let’s have a talk about your Big Day!
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