Friday, August 14, 2009

Life is Full Circle - Blessed to be Successful

I am truly blessed to be Successful. Life has come full circle and you can't ask for anything more especially in this day, this economy, this recession!

Success is not measured by the money I have, the money I make, what I have, who I know and how much education I've had. Success as I know it is the ability I have to make a difference in the lives of others. If I know that I've helped someone become a better person or have provided my time and efforts to help make someone else smile - then I know that what I do and what I've done has been Successful.

I've been fortunate enough to have given the opportunity to give back to others that are less fortunate than me. I'm talking about my favorite two non-profit organizations: The Ronald McDonald House Charities and The Domestic Violence Action Center. These organizations mean a lot to me because it directly affects family and children in a way that it's not their fault for getting in a situation that requires the services of these two worthy causes.

Although I've only been in business for 5 years, I felt that it is never too early to start a relationship with the community. My motto, Building Families, Building Relationships and Building Communities as part of my 5th Anniversary pledge has given me the the drive to work with them and provide my knowledge and expertise in ways to help fundraise and provide behind the scenes support that will allow them to continue to raise funds and awareness to the communities that they serve.

I am meeting with both organizations today to assist and start planning events that will allow them to raise over $20,000. I can't wait to be apart of these community events that will make a difference in someone's life. We are in the process of coordination the Gala Event for The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii and the process of planning the 20th Anniversary for The Domestic Violence Action Center.

Should you want to participate, donate, volunteer or get educated on both of these two organizations, here are the links to their websites: and

Thank you for your time, I am blessed to be successful because I shared this with you today.

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